

On January 4, Shanghai International Shipping Research Center released a report on China’s shipping prosperity for the fourth quarter of 2021. The report shows that in the fourth quarter of 2021, China’s shipping climate index reached 119.43 points, falling into the relative boom range; China’s shipping confidence index was 159.16 points, maintaining a strong boom range, all above the boom line.

The report predicts that China’s shipping industry will continue to improve in the first quarter of 2022, but the market may diverge. Looking forward to the whole year of 2022, the global shipping market should be in a peaking and callback cycle.

According to the report, China’s shipping prosperity index is expected to be 113.41 points in the first quarter of 2022, down 6.02 points from the fourth quarter of 2021, and remains within the relative prosperity range; China’s shipping confidence index is expected to be 150.63 points, down 8.53 from the fourth quarter of 2021 Point, but still maintained in a strong business range. All business climate indexes and confidence indexes will remain above the boom line, and the overall market situation is expected to continue to improve.

Post time: Jan-07-2022